We've arrived in Guerrero. Guerrero is a state in southern Mexico quite isolated from the rest of the world. In this region, there are mostly no paved roads, just as there is no mobile phone signal, which makes communication possible only through satellite phones or megaphones. That's how the message of our arrival in the area was spread - through megaphones. Our guides and partners from Ensambles rented a room in the town hall of the small city of Iliatenco, set up a laboratory, and then announced our presence. Why are we here?
Simple. We came on this exploratory journey, crossed a completely isolated area of Mexico, because beyond the active presence of drug cartels and organised crime that have made the state of Guerrero famous, here in Montaña Alta there are people working to give this place a different kind of fame.
Here are people who have managed to organise themselves into local communities and establish "policía comunitaria," an armed group that patrols constantly, which has managed to keep this space relatively safe and supervises all activity in the area.
Here are coffee growers who benefit from the high regions and favourable climate to deliver exceptional results. They are the people we came to meet.
@ensamblescafe #pressco #mexico #SpecialtyMexicanCoffee #ecosistema #Guerrero