La Cristalina: Where Four Generations of Colombian Coffee Meets Biodiversity

La Cristalina Farm spans 12 hectares at an altitude between 1460-1700 meters in Colombia, Vereda Bajo Espanol.

One-third of the area is actually a natural reserve, covered with walnut trees, guava, and black cedars - an endangered species - vegetation that's important for the fauna, providing necessary shade for coffee trees and enriching soil quality.

The Valdes family owns three coffee-producing farms – Parana, San Pablo, and La Cristalina. The family farmers have a special respect for biodiversity, and their care is reflected in the sustainable methods used in coffee processing.

For example, after washing the coffee cherries and completing the hulling process, the pulp remnants are reused and converted into compost - an organic fertilizer for coffee trees.

Luis Jose Valdes established Café Cuatro Generaciones, an umbrella company for the three farms, to create an efficient traceability system for each lot. Thus, for four generations, he has managed to continue the family tradition of producing quality specialty coffee.

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