Traditional Meets Modern: How Mexican Coffee Farmers Use Megaphones Where Internet Fails

In many parts of Mexico, there is no phone or internet signal. However, what's important is that solutions for communicating messages within communities have been found. The other day, people in Guerrero were able to find out about the opening of the new regional laboratory and received the cupping process results through a megaphone! Rebe, our field coordinator, speaks Me'Phaa, the language used by most producers in Guerrero, and the message was repeated 4 times, in all 4 cardinal directions, to reach as many target groups as possible.

We haven't yet discovered a way to post on Instagram with the megaphone, but very soon we're going to Mexico to investigate not just this issue, but also the coffee, personally and on site! #specialtymexicancoffee #guerrero #pressco @laura_elsa_meunier @ensamblescafe @lapressco

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